Discover BrightAnalytics and explore our diverse apps designed to empower your business.
Automate operations and financial reporting and eliminate complexity. From actuals and budgets to forecasts, to consolidation and automatic intercompany eliminations.
At BrightAnalytics, we understand that data is the core of your business. We will do whatever it takes to ensure data security and mitigation of risks. With people, processes and innovation. We will make every effort to ensure that data is secure and risks are reduced. With people, with technology and with processes.
BrightAnalytics on intuitiivisin, luotettavin ja nopein hallintoraportointi, joka kattaa kaikki johdon raportoinnin ja konsolidoinnin tarpeet.
Sivulla on luettelo kaikista yhteyksistämme.
BrightAnalytics on ratkaisu mille tahansa yritykselle: monimutkaiselle tai vähemmän monimutkaiselle. Ratkaisu kasvaa yrityksen mukana. BrightAnalytics on ihanteellinen myös yrityksille, joiden liiketoiminta on hyvin monimutkaista, kuten useat yritykset, eri valuutat, konsolidointi jne.
Analyzing operational figures can be done in almost any business application, however, this is a stand-alone process and therefore without context. BrightAnalytics centralizes all operational and financial data in one common platform to achieve the most inclusive insights.