BrightAnalytics connects seamlessly with Visma eEkonomi and 300 other systems, centralizing all financial and operational data in a single platform. This allows you to endlessly combine these figures to arrive at the most inclusive insights.
The data from Visma eEkonomi is transformed into clear and interactive dashboards, charts, and reports on the BrightAnalytics platform, telling the true story behind the numbers. All your financial reports are immediately available in BrightAnalytics:
And much more!
Visma eEkonomi is a complete online accounting system, offering solutions for your accounting and invoicing needs. The software features include, but are not limited to, easy booking of purchase and sales invoices, linking with your bank account, creating and sending periodic invoices and automatic VAT returns.
Visma has several software solutions with which BrightAnalytics as well as connects flawlessly, regardless of the technology or type of application! Discover our integrations here:
BrightAnalytics already connects with more than 300 applications, and is creating more all the time! Didn’t find your connector? Let us know and we’ll get right on it!
BrightAnalytics on intuitiivisin, luotettavin ja nopein hallintoraportointi, joka kattaa kaikki johdon raportoinnin ja konsolidoinnin tarpeet.
BrightAnalytics, johtamisraportointialusta, tarjoaa kolme erilaista raportointimoduulia. Perusmoduuli kattaa talousraportoinnin, ja sitä voidaan laajentaa kassavirta- ja/tai operatiivisen raportoinnin moduuleilla.
BrightSync yhdistää yli 280 tietolähdettä. Yksi ratkaisun suurimmista USP:istä on kykymme liittyä mihin tahansa järjestelmään.